What is keratosis Philaris ?

about Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Cutaneous Philaris is a phenomenon that causes the skin to become rough and rugged looking . This phenomenon is common in about 40 % of adults and 50 % -80 % of adolescents , with more girls suffer from this phenomenon . Apparently there is a genetic component involved since found that one-third to half of the cases there is a story of other family members also suffer from the phenomenon .
What are the characteristics of the phenomenon ?

This can manifest itself in several ways ranging from gray lesions – white which is easier Lmsshm than see them . Another is when a performance based lesion turns red , then it seems the skin is dotted with red. In more severe cases blocked hair follicle which can result in a performance similar to that of acne.
What causes this phenomenon ?

The reason the show is unknown. This phenomenon appears in the accumulation of keratin ( a protein produced in the skin ) that blocks the hair follicle , creating a small hill instead . Palpation can feel a small bump . When hair follicles are many casualties created a rough surface has small hills scattered on the skin at intervals arranged . Reason for the formation dropout phenomenon is probably not enough cells containing keratin blocking the hair follicle .
Chinese medicine treatment – Internal change leads to external change

The goal of treatment : the return of balance and strengthening the body healing processes .. This balance will reduce the activity that produces excess keratin and So a significantly reduced expression of the phenomenon .
The treatment involves taking herbs , nutritional supplements and using plant-based creams . No need to acupuncture to treat the problem and usually within 3 months has significantly improved .

Question – keratosis Philaris

about Keratosis Pilaris

Question :
I’m 23 . Entire life I had kind of rash upper arms and thighs reflected outer skin and importance to him . I recently got a rash inside, on both sides of the cheeks, the bottom above the jaw line . Dermatologist claims that the three of these body areas have keratosis Philaris , and this is a genetic trait of the skin. Only flowering face bother me , she has a strong red color and large bumps .

I wanted to consult about a treatment I received. The doctor gave me a cream Tofisln ( family of steroids ) and wash Wozniak . Meanwhile there is no improvement , and I’m afraid it will become a permanent condition , such as arms and thighs . Is there no way to get rid of the phenomenon , and is that really a genetic problem will remain forever ?

Question - keratosis Pilaris


Keratosis Philaris ( Keratosis Pilaris ) is a common skin problem that can occur at any age . Is expressed in patches of dry skin and stiff with figures acne bumps . These patches can be red , itchy , but not painful . They usually appear on the thighs and arms , but can also appear on the face .

This can take herself over the years. Treatment focuses on keeping the skin moist by different lotions . You can use creams or ointments that contain corticosteroids or vitamin A. This is a difficult problem to treat and typically achieved only benefit , but not a full recovery . The reason for this phenomenon is not known , but it seems that relates to genetic factors .

about Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris treatment

Introduction :

Philris keratosis is a common cutaneous manifestation . So widespread that even though no one knows the name of this shocking , about half of adults and up to 80 % of adolescents suffer from it . Chapter will discuss the phenomenon causes and treatments , and of course we try to explain where the name.

How it looks :

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This is a problem that causes the skin to become rough , rough looking , in some cases the lesions are white – gray ( keratosis Philris Alba ) and easier to feel the skin lesions than actually see them. In other cases the lesion base turns red and the skin looks small dotted red spots ( keratosis Philris Rovere ) . Particularly difficult cases blocking the hair follicle can lead to outbreaks of acne.

Epidemiology :

Condition occurs in about 40 % of adults and 50-80 % of the youth . Apparently girls than boys suffer from the situation . One third to half of the cases there is a story of other family members with the condition and probably has a genetic component , fetal form of autosomal dominant permitted . Usually you can see the skin lesions have been young detectors (up to 10 ) but have a tendency to worsening adolescence. Although it shows the status of every age . Have a slightly greater prevalence of atopic conditions such situation – dermatitis and Aichtiozis vulgaris. There is a tendency for relieving signs summer and winter exacerbation .

What is caused :

In this situation there is an accumulation of keratin ( a protein produced in the skin ) that blocks the hair follicle , creating a small hill at the output follicle . In some cases you can see the hair passes through the ” plug ” this or is below . Palpation can feel a kind of small bulge size 1 mm. While many hair follicles show that this problem has a rough surface formed small hills scattered on the skin intervals are sorted and a characteristic appearance .

Why it happens :

Excellent question – today there is still no precise answer to this question. Apparently no proper dropping of keratin -containing cells (called keratinocytes ) and block the hair follicles.

What Isere Leather involved :

More common areas are : upper arms . Buttocks , thighs front and cheeks .


There is no effective treatment and care is often given a stick and not solve the problem. Condition usually passes over the years , but the move is corrugated with a penchant for chronic disease deterioration and ease off . Avoid dry skin and hot tubs . Use gentle soaps are recommended. In more severe cases you can use several different types of topical preparations containing acids – hydroxy urea , h . Lactic report . Salicylic and if they do not help you can try local steroid preparations . Of course the use of preparations which requires consulting a medical specialist skin .


As stated often has eased with time. No significant impact on health and the problem is mainly cosmetic . So the treatments are basically not for recreation but help to those who struggle with the aesthetic appearance of the lesions .

Where did the name :

Keratosis – Philris – inflammation with the keratin of the hair follicle