What is keratosis Philaris ?

about Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Cutaneous Philaris is a phenomenon that causes the skin to become rough and rugged looking . This phenomenon is common in about 40 % of adults and 50 % -80 % of adolescents , with more girls suffer from this phenomenon . Apparently there is a genetic component involved since found that one-third to half of the cases there is a story of other family members also suffer from the phenomenon .
What are the characteristics of the phenomenon ?

This can manifest itself in several ways ranging from gray lesions – white which is easier Lmsshm than see them . Another is when a performance based lesion turns red , then it seems the skin is dotted with red. In more severe cases blocked hair follicle which can result in a performance similar to that of acne.
What causes this phenomenon ?

The reason the show is unknown. This phenomenon appears in the accumulation of keratin ( a protein produced in the skin ) that blocks the hair follicle , creating a small hill instead . Palpation can feel a small bump . When hair follicles are many casualties created a rough surface has small hills scattered on the skin at intervals arranged . Reason for the formation dropout phenomenon is probably not enough cells containing keratin blocking the hair follicle .
Chinese medicine treatment – Internal change leads to external change

The goal of treatment : the return of balance and strengthening the body healing processes .. This balance will reduce the activity that produces excess keratin and So a significantly reduced expression of the phenomenon .
The treatment involves taking herbs , nutritional supplements and using plant-based creams . No need to acupuncture to treat the problem and usually within 3 months has significantly improved .

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